5 Foods to Avoid with Braces in Sycamore

We get a whole lot of questions about eating with braces—and rightfully so! Eating is important on so many levels, both in terms of making you healthy and making you happy! There are some special considerations to make with braces, though. Sycamore Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry is going to go into depth about five foods to avoid with braces in Sycamore.

First—Some Good News!

Before we get into foods to avoid, we want to begin by encouraging you! You can have an incredibly dynamic, nutrient-rich, delicious diet with braces. There are so many resources available, especially online and on social media, for braces-friendly foods and recipes. So don’t be discouraged!

Sticky and Chewy Foods

This category tends to be an issue for kids with braces more than any other age group. Bountiful Easter baskets and Halloween buckets are a prime example of this. 

  • Examples to Avoid:
    • Caramel candies
    • Fruit snacks or gummy vitamins
    • Chewing gum (even sugar-free varieties!)
    • Taffy or toffee
  • Why It Matters: Sticky substances will inevitably pull at the components of your braces, loosening brackets and bending wires. Plus, many of these foods come loaded with sugar, which presents its own issues (more on that later!).
  • Braces-Friendly Alternatives:
    • Sugar-free pudding or gelatin
    • Soft chocolate without nuts or caramel
    • Fresh fruit slices like banana or watermelon

Hard and Crunchy Foods

You might think a nice crunch is mildly satisfying—but not so much when it’s a part of your braces coming loose. Crunchy snacks are another fan favorite, but they pose their own type of risk to braces.

  • Examples to Avoid:
    • Popcorn
    • Hard candies
    • Chewing on ice cubes
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Hard raw vegetables like carrots and celery
  • Why It Matters: These foods can snap wires or dislodge brackets, potentially requiring an emergency visit to Dr. Barysenka.
  • Braces-Friendly Alternatives:
    • Popped corn chips (without kernels)
    • Soft cheeses or yogurt
    • Steamed and roasted vegetables like carrots and broccoli
    • Mashed potatoes or cooked sweet potatoes

Foods That Require Extra Chewing

These dietary threats can be overlooked. Having to bite hard or gnaw on a certain food item can pose a risk to your front brackets and wires in particular.

  • Examples to Avoid:
    • Crusty baguettes or hard rolls
    • Whole apples or pears
    • Corn on the cob
  • Why It Matters: Taking a big bite can cause brackets to pop off or wires to loosen, delaying your treatment timeline.
  • Braces-Friendly Alternatives:
    • Slice your fruits into smaller pieces
    • Remove corn from the cob
    • Opt for softer bread options like sandwich bread
5 Foods to Avoid with Braces in Sycamore

Food That Gets Stuck Easily

Texture plays a big role in the foods you should choose to avoid. Some foods will naturally lodge in your braces and add an extra obstacle to your cleaning routine. This issue arises a lot in your choice of meat if it’s a main part of your diet. 

  • Examples to Avoid:
    • Stringy meats and proteins like steak pulled pork, ribs, or some shellfish
    • Bread with seeds
    • Chips or crackers that crumble
  • Why It Matters: Food and meat debris trapped in braces can lead to bacterial growth and seriously bad breath if it isn’t removed promptly.
  • Braces-Friendly Alternatives:
    • Seedless bread or wraps
    • Soft-cooked chicken or flaky fish
    • Rice or quinoa dishes
    • Tofu
    • Protein powders and supplements that require little or no chewing

Sugary Treats

The thing about sugar is that it doesn’t hurt your braces, but it does hurt your teeth. Dr. Sarah discusses this with her pediatric patients all the time—and you want your teeth to be in good shape for orthodontic treatment. Sugar creates an environment where bacteria runs rampant, leading to a long list of issues.

  • Examples to Avoid:
    • Soda and sugary drinks
    • Hard or sticky candies
    • Cake and pastries with excessive frosting
  • Why It Matters: Sugary foods leave behind residue and plaque that’s difficult to clean, especially with braces added to the equation. This can lead to staining and decay, complicating your treatment. You can have sweets in moderation—but it’s important to drink plenty of water to flush the sugar from your mouth if you do.
  • Braces-Friendly Alternatives:
    • Sipping water as you eat fresh fruit slices
    • Sugar-free popsicles
    • Unsweetened applesauce or baked apples

More Helpful Tips

  1. Brush and Floss Regularly: Above all else, carefully clean your teeth after meals to remove food particles that can otherwise hide away and cause you problems later.
  2. Cut Food into Smaller Pieces: Reduce the risk of damaging your braces by cutting various foods into bite-sized pieces.
  3. Use Orthodontic Tools: Invest in special cleaning tools like an interdental brush or water flosser to clean around your brackets and wires.
5 Foods to Avoid with Braces in Sycamore

The Best in Sycamore

Our team at Sycamore Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry is so honored to get to help families in our area live their best life with the best possible smile! If you ever need a helping hand or additional advice along the way, don’t hesitate to ask us